Thursday, January 18, 2007

24 fever

LJ and I are addicted to the Fox Television show "24." Interestingly, we don't have cable, satellite or even antenna television, so we have watched every episode through Netflix. This is great because you get the whole season one DVD after another with no commercials. The downside is that while everyone is talking about season 6, we won't have full-season DVDs to watch until (usually) November. Through the wonders of the Internet, however, LJ has met a blog friend who is also a big "24" fan. She has agreed to record the show for us, and two DVDs with the first four episodes (which aired earlier this week) arrived in the mail today!

Jenn, you are my new best friend!


Jenn said...

Wow - that sounds like a great blogfriend! I hope the quality turned out alright. We checked to make sure it recorded, I just hope it didn't mess up somewhere in the middle or the end!

Virginia sweet tea (well, they call it sweet but it's not really sweet and you can't always get sweet tea in restaurants) only has a little bit of sugar. In GA we make it with at least a cup of sugar per pitcher. Now that's some good tea!

I'm glad you guys are my new best friends. I always try to buy my friendships!

karl said...

Okay - Georgia sweet tea and Alabama sweet tea are the same thing then...

Hannah Marie said...

May I recommend that you check out this website....

You will find 5 seasons of 24 on there. (Although, you may have already seen the first 5 seasons. In that case, you may find another show that you will like on that website.)